A hölgy, aki komolyabb gerincfájdalmakkal jár hozzám, tegnap volt kezelésen. Ő azt mesélte, hogy a szokott helyen, a jobb combtövénél enyhültek a fájdalmai, viszont most be van állva a keresztcsontja, és hátul sugárzik a lábába a fájdalom. Szerintem minden változás jó, de remélem, hamarosan kapunk tőle is visszaigazolást, hogy összességében javultak a tünetei. Azt mondja, lassú, folyamatos javulást érez, de a hónapok óta tartó fájdalom miatt már eléggé elcsigázott. Remélem, kitart majd a kezelések mellett és tovább segíthet neki a Jinjutsu.
I’ve been treating a young woman mostly with psychological
issues, although she has a mild food allergy and hip ache as well. It was her
third treatment today. She said she's been “flying”, i.e. feeling very good. She
had asked the first two treatments to deal with her absent-mindedness; she said
to me that she noticed she could now better focus her attention. Hopefully her
allergy will ease as well. I’m always very happy when somebody seeks our help
with sort of preventive purposes, without any serious physical symptoms. These
people feel the effect of the treatment sooner and can avoid illness more
The lady who is seeing me with some serious backache came yesterday.
She told me her pains have eased where she’s felt them most: in her right
thigh. However, she is currently suffering from lumbar pains, radiating down
her leg. I believe all changes are good, but I hope she will soon give some
feedback to confirm her overall condition is getting better. She says she’s
experiencing a slow and steady improvement, but she is rather tired of being in
pain for several months. I hope she’ll carry on with the treatments and let
Jinjutsu continue to help her.
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