Jár hozzám egy pánikbeteg hölgy. Ma büszkén mesélte, hogy a hajnali felébredésekor nem vette be a szokásos enyhe nyugtatóját, hanem kipróbálta, mi történik nélküle. Inkább maga a tudat segít neki, hogy bevette a nyugtatót, nem a hatóanyag (az orvos szerint legalábbis annyira keveset vesz be, hogy annak szinte nincs is hatása). Mégis, eddig úgy érezte, szüksége van rá. Ma gond nélkül visszaaludt nyugtató nélkül is! :) Azért később, reggel bevette, mondván, hogy nem szeretné ilyen hirtelen hagyni el a gyógyszert. Mindenesetre ez nagy lépés neki, jó irány és megnyugtató visszajelzés, hogy lassan egyedül is képes lesz felülkerekedni a pánikon. :)
A lady with panic disorder has been seeing me for treatments. She proudly told me today that after she'd woken up at dawn she did not take her usual sedative and decided to see what happens. It's the thought that she has taken the sedative that helps her rather than the drug itself (the doctor says she takes so small doses they hardly have any effect.) Yet, she felt she needed it. Today, however, she fell back asleep without her medication! :)
Then later on, she still took it in the morning saying she didn't want to give it up so abruptly. Anyway, it's a great step for her in the right direction and a reassuring indication that sooner or later she will overcome her panic by herself. :)
A lady with panic disorder has been seeing me for treatments. She proudly told me today that after she'd woken up at dawn she did not take her usual sedative and decided to see what happens. It's the thought that she has taken the sedative that helps her rather than the drug itself (the doctor says she takes so small doses they hardly have any effect.) Yet, she felt she needed it. Today, however, she fell back asleep without her medication! :)
Then later on, she still took it in the morning saying she didn't want to give it up so abruptly. Anyway, it's a great step for her in the right direction and a reassuring indication that sooner or later she will overcome her panic by herself. :)
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